Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Non-dualistic thought, as articulated by Alnoor Ladha, is a paradigm of understanding that transcends binary oppositions, such as self and other, or mind and matter. This perspective seeks to dissolve the separations that conventional, dualistic thinking imposes, advocating for a holistic recognition of the interconnectedness of all existence. Rooted deeply in various spiritual traditions and systems of indigenous knowledge, non-dualistic thought posits that at the core of reality lies a fundamental unity. By embracing this unified field of being, one can foster a more harmonious relationship with the world, and cultivate an awareness that all distinctions are ultimately constructs of the mind, rather than absolute truths. Ladha's view emphasizes that true wisdom arises from perceiving and living in accordance with this indivisible wholeness.

See also: unity consciousness, spiritual practice, post capitalism, social movement, late-stage capitalism

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The Medicine Sessions #6: Alnoor Ladha & Advaya - A journey into the heart of Sacred Activism 873

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Formemos un mundo en el que no nos de pena SER humanos | Alnoor Ladha activista y místico Sufí. 465

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